Standing tall at the 'The Golden Gates' of Indian Retail Industry, the future seems all the more
promising for the National and Global Investors waiting to enter Indian shores with viable portfolios
and brands to offer that can exceed the market expectations. Yes! This is the time. The Consumer seeks
more, the retailers need to gear up and the future is dynamic!
IReC (Industry of Retail and eCommerce) is a melting pot where top visionaries and business thought
leaders come on a single platform to start a dialogue that can put the entire fraternity on the growth
The panel discussion shall comprise an interactive industry focused forum. Joined by the top notch
CEOs, CXOs & CMOs and thought leaders who will share their opinions and valuable insights with an aim
to identify bottlenecks, troubleshoot challenges and highlight the growth pointers.
IReC 2025 will be like a legion master class featuring extensive list of topics discussed in an
interactive session to conclude the onset of grow in India Retail strategies!
IReC is THE must visit event for retail and ecommerce organisations looking for the right tools, solutions and advice on how to enhance customer experience, increase operational effectiveness and drive sales. It is relevant for all members of the team responsible for taking or influencing purchasing decisions, including IT, eCommerce, payments, marketing, loss prevention, finance, supply chain, profit protection, operations, HR and security. It’s your chance to let those shaping the industry inspire, inform and energise your growth plans.