A lover of food who relishes each bite savouring the flavours and joy it brings to him, Prateek Mittal has always held the F&B industry close to his heart. Having completed his education from Regents Business School in the UK over a decade ago, Prateek kickstarted his entrepreneurial journey with Torrp It Up, a gourmet sandwich bar chain that expanded across 20 outlets in Mumbai and Pune. However, 7 years after this venture began, he decided to bid it adieu given the slow growth within the QSR space in India, only to look onwards and upwards. A few months later, while he continued to explore different sectors such as construction, travel, tourism, education and hospitality through his family business, Prateek realised that a large part of him was still inclined towards the culinary industry, and that he must serve this calling. That’s what led to the inception of Cremeitalia, an artisanal cheese brand that is now widely available in the market, having created a niche of its own.
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