
Event Speakers


Manish ChowdharyCo-Founder, WOW Skin Science

Being an entrepreneur, a retailer comes naturally to Karan Chowdhary, Co-Founder of Body Cupid – the company behind the successful and indigenous beauty and wellness brands WOW Skin Science and WOW Life Science. In 2013, he along with his brother worked around the idea of starting a clean, green beauty and wellness brand. The USP of this brand would be to bring to consumers a unique product experience – one that is both therapeutic and rejuvenating. The aim was to deliver quality products with great ingredients at a price that our customers will love. Karan believes in following a very aggressive marketing strategy to ensure that WOW products are available to the customers from every possible touchpoints and ensures that WOW Skin Science products are on the bestsellers list at every retailer.
