Vinay Bhartia Sr. Vice President, Alibaba.com
With Alibaba.com, India as Sr. Vice President since March 2016, workingon 3 key pillars: Ecommerce, Eco-System and Education. Driving Innovative & Disruptive initiatives & strategic partnerships for Alibaba.com which involves Ideation, Engagements, Solutions & Execution with partners across all platforms like Corporate, Government, SME linked associations, Banks, Logistics, Inspection, Ratings.
- Channel Partner Development (Regional and National)
- Trade Facilitation Center (Logistics, Finance, Inspection, Banking)
- Global Ecommerce Talent (Ecommerce Education)
- Mission Million Books (Social)
Winner of Best New Employee Award in Global Supplier Team in FY2017.
Leads a Social Project for Alibaba Group called Mission Million Books a program to Educate Young India. Impact so far – over 600,000 Books collected and donated impacting over 2 million Students.
Purdue University Graduate, setup and ran successfully 3 large family trading business's for over 12 years in cross border trade with trade Logistics with over 15 countries with extensive travel experience. Ventured into China in 2000, with travel over 30 cities and capitalized on the need of Indian & Global Importers wanting a wide variety of products from China.
Later Co-Founded and ran as CEO of MYPACCO - a technology based logistics platform focusing on C2C, B2C and Cross Border B2B catering to services by Air, Sea and Multi Modal.
An avid marathoner, squash player, a sport lover, a big food enthusiast cum foodie.
Prior to Linkstreet, Arun was at Cisco and Bell Labs in USA and India where he worked to develop learning solutions for global customers and in optical networking.Arun received the prestigious Path Finder and President's Gold medal awards at Bell Labs. He is passionate about making learning effective and engaging and to introduce a culture of continuous learning in every organization
Arun has an MS from the University of Kentucky, USA and Bachelor of Engineering from College of Engineering – Guindy, Anna University, Chennai.He is an avid sports enthusiast who has represented his University Tennis Team.