Hotline Nos. Awards: +91 9313034080, Conference: +91 8595350505, Exhibition: +91 8595350525
Indian Retail & eRETAIL Congress & Awards 2017
Indian Retail & eRetail Partners
15 - 16 May, 2017JW Marriott Hotel New Delhi
6th National Convention & Awards on
Retail & eRetail

Our Speakers

Mr. Vishwas Shringi,Founder and CEO
Voylla Fashions Pvt Ltd

After graduating from India's premier technology institute, IIT and completing an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University, Vishwas Shringi gave his heart and soul to Retail and Technology.

Post-heading Finance for Hardlines Categories at Amazon (North America), he decided to return India. He then realized a huge demand of fashion jewelry amongst his American colleagues and friends and hence, ventured into the country's most fragmented and untapped market- Fashion and Imitation Jewelry.

In 2012, he gave light to his dream by launching VOYLLA to the world. In last 4 years, he has made sustained efforts in understanding the customer; setting up a robust back end supported by cutting edge technology and fine detailed curating.

Since then, his goal has been to redefine beauty by creating masterpieces; Jewelry that has character; that is visually stunning; that speaks quality; and jewelry that is affordable.


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